domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Jacobo Arbenz

He was born in Guatemala on September 14, 1913. He joined the army and graduated on 1935. He joined an Academy in Guatemala on 1937, he was a teacher there. In 1944 a bunch of teacheres made a strike, asking for more money. Lots of them were killed incluiding the leader. A few days later more than 300 teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. demanded that the demonstrators' actions were legitimate. Then Ponce became a new dictator and set himself as a candidate to the Presidency. He arrested his opponent and Arbenz and Arana made a military rebelion. They won and sent Ponce out of the country. Arbenz and Arana made a new constitution. In which they made men and women equal, racial discrimination was declared a crime, higher education was free of governmental control, private monopolies were banned, workers were assured a forty-hour week, payment in coupons was forbidden, and labour unions were legalized. He died on January 27, 1971 in Mexico City.
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